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Winding Waters Clinic


Medical ClinicMedical

About Us

Mission – To Improve the Health of Wallowa County

We put patients first with affordable, high quality, compassionate care for our Wallowa County Community.

Vision – The Best Health for All

Values – Accountability, Accessibility, Collaboration, Empowerment, Integrity, Leadership, Passion

hy are We a Community Health Center?
To improve the health of our community:
o Providing affordable access for all
o Working to eliminate health disparities
o Ensuring local governance that emphasizes community collaboration
o Expanding our capacity to serve, including pharmacy, dental and mental health care services
o Focusing on comprehensive primary and preventive care
o Facilitating access to specialty services via transportation and tele-health options

What is a Community Health Center?
The Health Center program was created in 1964 to ensure the sustainability of primary care services in underserved areas. Following an extensive application process, with deep involvement by our community Board of Directors, Winding Waters earned Health Center status in 2015. As a result, we have been able to expand services and meet primary care needs across Wallowa County.

Health Centers:
o Are community-based and patient-directed organizations
o Deliver comprehensive, high-quality primary care services
o Ensure access to care for medically underserved individuals and families
o Integrate access to pharmacy, behavioral health, substance use disorder, and oral health services