Wallowa Mountains Hells Canyon Trails Association

Non-Profit/Service Organization
About Us
We are the Wallowa Mountains Hells Canyon Trails Association, a dedicated group of hikers and outdoor enthusiasts who monitor and help maintain our local trails in Hells Canyon and the Wallowa Mountains.
We coordinate with the US Forest Service and organize volunteer work parties to clear downed trees, cut back brush, and do whatever else is necessary to keep our local hiking trails open and accessible.
You can help by joining us on a trail maintenance day trip, coming to one of our meetings, or donating to support the effort.
The purpose of WMHCTA is to achieve “boots on the ground” improvements in the condition of trails, river corridors, and cultural heritage sites (e.g., cabins, traditional Native American sites) on US Forest Service and other lands in northeast Oregon. As the name implies, the focus of the group is on the trails and rivers of the Wallowa Mountains and Hells Canyon regions, although other areas, such as the Elkhorn Mountains and the Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness, may be included. WMHCTA mobilizes volunteers in order to improve recreational access, prevent deterioration and damage to natural and cultural resources, and provide educational and developmental opportunities for students and adults.
WMHCTA is part of the Eagle Cap Partnership (ECP), a cooperative agreement among Eastern Oregon University, the USFS, and Wallowa Resources (a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the economic and environmental health of rural communities through land stewardship).