Highview Angus Ranch

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About Us
Highview Angus Ranch is located in the beautiful cattle country of Northeastern Oregon and under the Wallowa Mountains.
We are a third-generation family cattle operation dedicated to providing genetic solutions to our customer’s needs through Angus Bulls and Females deep in nationally known and proven A.I. sires.
Our primary business is selling Registered Angus Bulls by private treaty to commercial cattlemen. Many who make their entire living from the cattle industry with an emphasis on retained ownership through the feedlot. More recently, we have begun offering Select Registered Angus Females.
We celebrated 50 years back in 2010 and are well on our way to the next 50 years. Facing the challenges of the last half-century, cattle have been our only business. In addition to the registered Angus cattle, we also maintain an Angus-based commercial herd. We routinely background many of our own calves to either sell as value-added feeders and/or retain thru the finishing phase. No strangers to the feeding industry, we have been selling fat cattle on grids for decades. Occasionally, we also sell A.I. bred commercial heifers.
Our Operation is primarily grass and grazing-based. We utilize New Zealand Style MIG (Management Intensive Grazing) rotating cattle frequently on our high mountain meadows with the extensive use of electric fencing.

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