Tuesday Talk: Robin Pace – White Water Rafting
Join us Tuesday March 19th to hear Robin Pace tell us about her adventures as a white water rafting professional!
POSITION: Lead Guide & Co-Operations Manager
HOMETOWN: Joseph, Oregon/Winnemucca, NV
SCHOOL: Boise State University (Pre-Speech-Language Pathology)
BACKGROUND: Robin has been with us since 2013. She grew up splitting her time between school in Nevada and Joseph, or as she likes to call Joseph, home. She comes home every summer to spend time on her grandmother’s farm and get lost in the mountains. As a graduate of Boise State, she played three years of club lacrosse while in school and discovered her love of American Sign Language.
CERTIFICATIONS: Outdoor Emergency Care Technician, Swift-Water Rescue & CPR
PASSIONS: Hiking, biking, sunrises, staying active, reading and American Sign Language
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Person to person, moment to moment, as we love, we change the world.”- Smahria Lyte Kaufman
Alis volat propiis—“She flies with her own wings.”

Date and Time
Tuesday Mar 19, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
Tuesday, March 19th, 2024
12-1 PM
403 N. Main St., Joseph