Flora School Days
Come Join us once again for our Annual Fundraising event at the Flora School Education Center 3rd Saturday in June! Blacksmith Competition starts @7am, the rest of the festivities @9am! Dutch Oven Lunch @12pm and the Auction is @2pm
School Days Schedule 7am to 3pm
7am-1pm Blacksmiths hammering out "18th Century Gate Hinges" 7am-1:30pm VOTE for your Favorite Blacksmith by donating to their Individual DONATION CAN!
7am-10am Must be present to win (no expiration date)
DEMONSTRATIONS & MORE 9am-2pm —some are short duration!
Trailer loaded with goodies Some of the goodies—pizza stone, tomahawk, gateleg table… and more… this list will grow as we get closer! (subject to change) See something you like? MAKE AN OFFER and take it home! Sarah might haggle with you a bit!
TOWN TOURS with “johnny popper” tractor 9:30am, 11am & 1pm
DUTCH OVEN LUNCH NOON or when the bell rings! Chicken, camp beans, cabbage salad, spoon bread and water!
AUCTION, AWARDS & PRESENTATIONS 2pm-3pm Order TBA, most likely-- auction—QOV—auction—Awards--auction
Quilts of Valor Presentations o Every year the Flora School Education Center, partnered with Quilts of Valor, awards a cherished Veteran of our Nation for their Service and Sacrifice with a special Quilt that is one of a kind! o Quilts are made at Flora School during the QOV Sew Bee when possible—October 4-5 2024
Awards Ceremony
Top Smith-- The Golden Hammer Award is voted on by the smiths themselves! Recipient of this award is considered to be the Best Smith of the Competition as decided by their peers!
People's Choice-- The Anvil of Champions Award is determined by the PUBLIC through the Donation Cans! The smith who raised the most in DONATIONS will be awarded the "Anvil of Champions," a traveling trophy to be displayed in their home for one year! Award determines the Blacksmith Competition Champion!
Auction -- Some items that are ready to auction (subject to change)—a regular old auction! ODFW Show Me Tour with the elk (January or February), Metal art flower jewelry holder, Dutch oven lunches for a group of four and another for a group of two (no expiration date), Homemade pies, Blacksmith / horseshoe tavern puzzles, One of a kind queen size quilt, Medicinal Fire Cider (see demo of this being made), Blacksmith gate hinges (see blacksmith competition—no unfinished work will be auctioned), And more… this list will grow as we get closer to the event
9am-10am *Roping—learn to swing a rope to grab ol’ Blaze!
9am-noon-ish Reflector Oven -- Yummy! Making Strawberry Shortcakes for the Pie Social
9am-11:30am *Wax seal letters/drawings to be delivered to the veterans’ home
Pottery hand-building using traditional clay
*Bee’s wrap with a button and a cookie—wrap up a cookie to take home
9am-2pm Bean bags—make one using an old-time crank machine, then throw it through the clown’s
Blacksmith "Come Make a Hook" -- Don't be shy! Make something to remember us by!
Book sale (by the book, by the author bundle, by the box your choice, by the mystery box) Branding Red hot irons just waiting to be touched to wood or Tandy leather!
Country Store--ticket sales, arts, crafts, history books and more
Dutch oven cooking and cleaning—watch your lunch being made! YUMMY!
Kitchen Work-- Everything used to taste so much better because of...you guessed it...HARD WORK! Help make this year’s lunch by grinding grain into flour and churn butter from cream for the spoon bread!
Library—Get your own library card by donation! Then, check out a book and enjoy!
Music-- old time musicians, player piano
Old-time cars o Old-time tractors—Wallowa County Museum
Pie Social-- drinks, ice cream and PIE!
Rope making—make a chunk of rope!
Sewing-- drop in to see the many different types of machines and techniques being used— treadle, crank, modern, hand sewing
''What is it?” -- cast your guess at the wonder before you and have the opportunity to win!
Wood Cookstove -- Just like your Triple-Great Grandparents used! Or the Nana that is using it now! Watch spoon bread being made for your Dutch oven lunch. An upside-down apple pie will be made for the auction!
9:30am & 1pm Library Story Time -- Come sit, let your Imagination wonder as the stories wash over you!
10:30-11:30am Knot tying—tie special knots using the rope you just made
Medicinal Fire Cider (see auction items)
10:30am-12:30 Horseshoeing and roping Blaze when tour wagon not touring!
12:30-2pm Pottery makings using modern air-dry clay
Stilt-making using pegs and a brace—only ten available, so be there to make yours!
Seed bombs—made a seed bed in a ball to plant at home—help the bees!
1-2pm Garden Cloches (cut jars to make “clothing” for plants when it’s too cold out) and/or Fire-starters
Roping—learn to swing a rope to grab ol’ Blaze!
Knot tying—tie special knots using the rope you just made!
These are hands-on and/or take-away demonstrations. Donations are appreciated, but not required.

Date and Time
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT
June 15, 2024
7 AM - 3 PM
80974 College Ln Flora, OR 97828
Contact Information
Vanessa Thompson
Send Email