Fishtrap Workshop: Recipes From Poems We Love
Fishtrap Workshop: Recipes from Poems We Love with Nellie Bridge.
This generative poetry workshop takes as its starting point the appreciation, wonder, and beauty in poems you love. Everyone in this workshop will bring an inspiring poem to share and use some part of it (structure, voice, occasion, style, device) to craft a poem of your own. We will create recipes for poems together, discuss a poem’s parts, and write freely with a goal to create five or more new poems during the class.
Nellie Bridge is a poet and high school teacher living in Sofia, Bulgaria. Her poems have appeared in EcoTheo Review, Pleiades, New Delta Review, Rattapallax, Painted Bride Quarterly, NYArts, and elsewhere, including online at Sarah Lawrence as a distinguished entry for the Campbell Corner Poetry Prize. Her chapbooks include Plea for Tearing with the Running Hours, published by Urban Editions, and Poemas Sueltos, published for the 2019 Festival Internacional de Poesia in Santiago, Chile. Her manuscripts have been finalists for book prizes from Alice James, Pleiades, Sarabande, Persea, and elsewhere. She earned her MFA at NYU.
Date and Time
Saturday Apr 9, 2022
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM PDT
Wednesday's, April 2, 9, 16, 23,30, 2022
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Registration $240 ($215 for Fishtrappers)
Contact Information
Mike Midlo; 541-426-3623
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